Saturday, November 26, 2011

3 Cheese & Spinach Scroll

Making this tomorrow afternoon for afternoon tea with friends....I'll post a photo tomorrow here!

60g Fetta Cheese
60g Parmesan Cheese
30g Cheddar Cheese
150g Spinach - Washed and dried lightly
500g Bakers Flour
2tsp Dry Yeast
300g Warm water
20g EVOO
1 tsp salt

Grind cheese on Speed 6 for 10 Seconds - SET ASIDE
Chop Spinach on Speed 6 for 3 Seconds
Add remaining ingredients (not the cheeses yet) - Mix for 5 seconds on Speed 5.  Closed lid position - 1 1/2 minutes on Interval Speed (MC off)
Wrap in Thermomat or place in Thermoserver (To keep warm) and let rise for 30 minutes
Push dough into rough rectangle about 10mm thick and spread with 3 cheeses.
Roll into a long flat log, pinch ends to stop cheeses exiting ends, slash with top of spatula and place in a cold oven set at 180 degrees for 35 minutes, slice and serve warm or cold

Friday, November 25, 2011

Tropical Juice

Mine had Banana, Raspberries, Mango, Pineapple and Orange
20-50g Sugar (personal preference or none at all) 
500g Fruit (mango, pineapple, kiwi, strawberry, banana, raspberries, orange) - any combination you like
200g Ice
500g Water

Add sugar, fruit and ice and mix on speed 10 for 1 minute
Add water through top while on speed 10 for a further minute (with MC in place)



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weekly Menu Plan - W/C 21st November 2011

Monday 21st November 

Pad Thai
This is the recipe I used Pad Thai - I did it mostly in my thermomix but I'm yet to do my own post with tmx instructions.  I followed a lot of the method from this one actually......Fried Bee Hoon

Tuesday 22nd November

 Creamy Chicken Pasta

Served with steamed veggies in your varoma

Wednesday 23rd November

Home made pizza - See EDC for base recipe 
Topped with Tomato Paste, Grated Cheese and meat of choice (chicken, pepperoni, ham), pineapple and more cheese

Thursday 24th November

Baked Penne and Meatballs

Served with Salad

Friday 25th November

Fried Rice (that isn't actually fried) - thanks Quirky Jo 

Baked Penne and Meatballs

1 onion
2 cloves garlic
500g beef mince (I use lamb sometimes)
100g breadcrumbs
1 egg
salt and pepper

Place onion, garlic into bowl and chop for 3 Seconds on Speed 7
Add remaining ingredients and mix for 10 Seconds on Speed 6 or until evenly combined.  Repeat if necessary.
Roll into meatballs and bake in hot oven - 200 degrees for 25 minutes (or you can steam in the Varoma while sauce below is cooking)

Sauce Ingredients
100g Parmesan 
Handful of Basil
1 Onion halved
2 cloves of garlic
1 red capsicum
1 Tbsp oil
500g fresh tomatoes 
1 tin of tomatoes 
50g tomato paste
1 Tbsp raw sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Salt and pepper
200g cream
400g cooked penne 

Grate parmesan in tmx - 10 seconds - Speed 9 - SET ASIDE
Place herbs inot bowl and chop for 4 seconds on speed 6.
Add onion, garlic, capsicum and oil and chop for 4 seconds on Speed 5.  Saute for 3 minutes - Varoma temp on Speed Soft
Add remaining ingredients (not the Parmesan or the cream) and cook for 15 minutes at Varoma temp on speed 1 with MC off. 
Arrange cooked pasta in baking dish, pour cream over and stir in.  Add meatballs and pour sauce over the top and sprinkle with the milled parmesan.  Bake in hot oven for 20 minutes 

Serve with Salad

Creamy Chicken Bacon Pasta

400g spaghetti 
Cook in Saucepan or Thermomix - see EDC or End of this recipe for instructions.

5 Rashes of Bacon cut into small pieces
1 chicken breast cut into small pieces
Fry in saucepan (I do this because i still like it crispy and golden otherwise you can add below when you saute your garlic)

1 clove of garlic
1 Tbsp oil
300 ml cream
3 Tbsp plain flour
2 tsp stock concentrate
150g water
2 Tbsp TM Mayonnaise
50g white wine (optional)

Crush garlic on Speed 7 for 3 seconds
Scrape down sides of bowl
Add oil and saute on 100 degrees - Speed 1 for 3 minutes
Add remaining ingredients and cook at 100 degrees - Speed 3 for 7 minutes (add 3-5 extra minutes if you're cooking your chicken in this mixture)

Combine together in large serving bowl and top with grated cheese and black pepper if you wish.

Tomato Paste Concentrate

I got an amazing deal of a box of tomatoes - 10kgs so I was wondering what I could cook up......thought i'd try tomato's the recipe:

1kg tomatoes 
15g sugar
1 Tbsp olive oil

Wash and cut tomatoes in halves, put in bowl and chop on Speed 9 for 15 seconds (go up slowly)
Add sugar and oil and cook for 40 minutes on Varoma on Speed 2
Scrape down sides and puree finer on Speed 5 for 5 seconds.

This didn't make a great deal of tomato paste I must say - I am shocked at how much it reduced to but I think it will taste great - tonight we'll find out, it's going on our pizza's and my husband is the pizza guru - so i'll let you all know what the outcome is.


A happy customer of mine shares her thoughts on the Thermomix!  

Well I was your very first demo hostess.!!

The night was a great success with everyone being amazed at just what the TM could do.

 We are just a family of 2 but it is often 4 people and I have found the thermomix to be really helpful. Like everyone else I guess have had my failures but after ringing Sarah and with her help have managed to work out why.

 I just love making risotto and just last week made aracine balls with the leftovers. They were yummy.
I find the more I use the TM the less I have to refer to the book to see speeds and temperatures etc. The scones are the best I've ever made (and I'd thought I was pretty good before) and if I haven't got buttermilk I just put a dash of vinegar or lemon juice in the milk .

I am 78years old and have just loved experimenting and going on line to the website forum with anything unusual I want to have a go at making.

Once again being able to ring Sarah with any queries I may have has been wonderful .I am sure you won't regret buying a thermomix